
In the Shadows – by Kim Fisher

Kim Fisher

Visual Artist | Creative | Fashion | Editorial
I help you create ✨

“In the right light, at the right time, everything is extraordinary.” – Aaron Rose

As a fairly new photographer I am obsessed with understanding light, after all the definition of photo is using or produced by light.

I’ve always believed that soft natural looking light, or as close to natural as you can create, is the most desirable light. Yet even once I achieve this ‘perfect’ light I felt like my images were lacking, they were missing something. Until I realized that in my search to find that ‘perfect soft light’ I have overlooked the importance of the shadows created by the light, the shadows that add dimension and interest to an image. Now I’m taking a moment to appreciate the shadows and hopefully bring some of that intrigue back into my work.

Credits and Links:

Claudia Smith

photographer — sydney

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